East Texas Arboretum

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tree Frog, on green lemon

This little fellow thought he was well hidden.................Posted by Picasa

Morning Glory Bush

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Another Bridge

Two Doug Bridge Fall 2008Posted by Picasa

Day Lillies

Day Lillies in Bloom spring 2008Posted by Picasa


This is some type of cone flower that grows out on the trails, if you know the proper name let me know. It grows very tall and looks so regal.Posted by Picasa

This is one of my favorite wedding pictures. Ashley Wilson was a beautiful bride. I was lurking around the corner when she walked across the bridge and could not resist taking this picture. Her mom tells me it turned out to be one of the best ones taken during the wedding.

Suspension Bridge/ Bob Mac's Crossing

This is the 115 foot suspension bridge that connects our two miles of trails. The bridge hangs over a tributory of walnut creek. In the creek bed below cinnamon and wood ferns abound, also honey suckle and Louisana iris.